EU contingency planning for a no deal Brexit– Additional measures are needed to limit potential disruptions to the food chain

CELCAA Annual General Assembly has elected its new President
Aurora Abad, Director Trade at CEEV, member of CELCAA, elected Vice-president of the Civil Dialogue Group on International Aspects of Agriculture

EU contingency planning for a no deal Brexit– Additional measures are needed to limit potential disruptions to the food chain

In a joint letter sent today to the Secretariat General of the European Commission, Copa and Cogeca, CELCAA and FoodDrinkEurope, on behalf of the entire EU agri-food chain, welcome the set of measures already taken as contingency plans for a no-deal Brexit by the European Commission. Representatives of the EU agri-food chain believe that some additional actions are still needed to mitigate the potentially devastating impact that a no-deal Brexit could have on the European agri-food industry.