CELCAA Preliminary Remarks on ‘Trade Policy Review – An open, Sustainable and Assertive Trade Policy’ – March 2021
CELCAA is pleased to share its preliminary remarks on the Commission Communication ‘Trade Policy Review – An open, Sustainable and Assertive Trade Policy’.
We first wish to underline the role of trade in the European economy should be rewarded: In recent years, agricultural trade has contributed to more than 7% of the EU positive trade balance with third counties. Agri-trade plays an important role in supporting farmers’ income, economic development, the vitality of the European rural areas, and food security in the European Union and worldwide. Imports into the EU contribute to socio-economic development in many developing or emerging countries while the EU market needs imports to meet its internal demand and complete the offer from EU production. It is important to reiterate again that the EU is the principal trading block worldwide, being the biggest exporting and second-biggest importing trading bloc, representing 151.2 EUR billion and 119.3 EUR billion respectively in 20191. Any policy shift in the EU trade policy will be scrutinized not only by EU stakeholders but also by the international trade community.
CELCAA Preliminary Views of EU Agri-Food Trade on European Commission Communication on Farm To Fork Strategy - June 2020
CELCAA, the European association representing European trade in agri-commodities and food, has taken due note of the publication on 20th May 2020 by the European Commission of its Farm to Fork Strategy. The Communication details regulatory and soft measures to achieve a more sustainable European food system and addresses responsibilities of all actors in the food supply chain.
The European agri-food trade is committed to playing its role in the fight against climate change and making the EU carbon-neutral by 2050 while contributing to the sustainability of food systems and food security in the European Union and worldwide. As a starting point, CELCAA would like to remind that international trade and global supply chains have proven their resilience and ability to ensure the provision of diversified, high-quality and safe food and food and feed ingredients, despite the hurdles linked to the Covid-19 pandemic.

CELCAA contribution to the public consultation ‘A Renewed Trade Policy for a Stronger Europe’
CELCAA welcomes the consultation launched by Trade Commissioner Phil Hogan ‘A renewed trade policy for a stronger Europe’. This reflection comes timely, considering the impact of the pandemic Covid-19 on the EU economy and the contraction of global and EU trade, the rise of unilateral protectionism, the impasse at WTO- to name a few challenges.
International trade plays a crucial role in supporting economic growth, creating value for the EU economy and globally, and supporting livelihoods. 36 million jobs in the European Union depend directly or indirectly on the EU’s ability to trade with the rest of the world. EU exports support 20 million jobs outside the EU, including many in developing countries. Before reflecting on the future EU trade policy, the first step is to take stock of these achievements and recognise the value of trade for the EU and the global economy.